
Floor Screed

Date: August 7, 2015  |  Author: Ashley Sexton

New fleet addition!

As part our our current expansion, we have just taken delivery of our new LWB screeding van. It has been sign written and racked and is now ready for work! It carries all of the specialist tools and materials required to prepare a floor, install a liquid screed and to remove the laitance /sand the floor following installation.

Contact us today to find out more about how liquid screeds can benefit your project!

Date: June 9, 2015  |  Author: Ashley Sexton

New laitance removal service coming soon!

Due to popular demand, Express Liquid Screeds are pleased to announce that we will be commencing our new laitance removal service within the next few weeks.

All liquid screeds will require preparing prior to bonded coverings, to either remove surface laitance or to create a surface key in our skin free product. read more >

Date: April 27, 2015  |  Author: Ashley Sexton

Gyvlon Lewis Steel Deck… 650 SQM installed in one day!

5 floors and one big pipe run! Our Southern team installed 650 square metres, totalling 36 cubic metres of screed last week. Much of this was down to the customer’s excellent preparation, the hard work of our team and the excellent delivery service from Lafarge. Quite the achievement we think! Danny from Merewood construction sent us this lovely message over the weekend…

You should go to see Lewis decking and tell them you smashed six hundred m2 in in one day.

They will be very excited as it makes their product a no brainer and they will recommend you all day long!



We’re delighted to have been asked back for the final phase which will be a much more relaxed 10 cubic metre, ground floor installation.